For u information..thun ni 2011..aku berhadapan dgn SPM..Doa2 kanla aku boleh menghadapi Exam Besar tuh..nedd a big2 pray from u all..sapa yg doa2 kan tu..insyaallah..dia pon akan berjaya jugak.... © Copyright by AmirulInfinity


Posted by SouL_InfinitY[!™Mi®UL™!]

Here...NAruto Shippuden Episod 194..Sakura remind Naruto of times when Naruto was stuck with Sasuke fighting thieves to rescue her. It was a mission lead by Kakashi sensei. The objective was to retrieve a golden statue, a treasure belonging to Feudal Lord's sister. The team has split in two. Kakashi explained that whoever sees the thieves first will signal the other by firing a thunderbolt from lightning rod.

Naruto spotted the thieves first and the treasure was tied to a horse. He thought to himself, if he managed to save the treasure he would gain Sakura's sympathy and beat Sasuke to it. What could be better? He sprang up on a horse to grab the statue. Sasuke saw him to it and before they knew it, they were tumbling down the slope. Meeting a wrath of one of the thieves they received a goop like substance that fused them together as they kept rolling down that hill and off of a cliff into the river.

Sakura saw what was happening and realizing that they didn't warn Kakashi sensei pulled out the lightning rod and fired off the thunderbolt. Thieves caught on all too quickly, captured Sakura and headed down the stream to look for their lost treasure.

Naruto and Sasuke kept trying to separate themselves smashing themselves against a rock and tugging to release the hold of this goop tying their hands together. Naruto realizing that Sakura needed their help, tugged Sasuke to hurry up and dragged him on. Soon they were pursued by Suguro, one of the thieves, and fight broke out. Chain fighting thief got overwhelmed and Naruto with Sasuke now have to persuade thieves to exchange Sakura for this golden statue. Standing high above thieves with their fused hands hidden behind a tree they resolved to negotiate. Main thief saw right through it and started fighting them. He soon learned that even though Sasuke and Naruto's hands were fused and they couldn't make hand signals to weave signs, they could surely fight back. They pulled back their sling shot made of this goop like substance and calling for Pachiko jutsu they shoot up the golden statue and hit the guy strait in his face.

Kakashi summarized their day skillfully by stating:'Those who abandon their friends are worst than scum. These three overcome that easily.'

. !™Mi®UL™!

hear it,dream it, like it

Helo2..wa hello u to hell..mne knal aku tuh..phm2 jela bro..jgn memekak.

Boley BLah..haha